@article{oai:jissen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001430, author = {大塚, みさ}, journal = {実践女子大学短期大学部紀要, The Bulletin of Jissen Women's Junior College}, month = {Mar}, note = {透明度の高い連語の一例として「~を割る」の形式を取る連語を取り上げ、12 の小型国語辞書における記述内容を比較対照する。連語の扱いや記述には、辞書の規模や編集方針に加えて、語義記述の形式や記述方法の相違の影響も小さくない。固定度の高い連語は名詞項目の子見出しに立てられる傾向があるが、言語の発信力養成の観点からは、動詞項目の語義欄において解説を伴いつつ具体的使用例に埋め込んで引用されることが効果的である。, This paper asks how transparent collocations should be treated in Japanese monolingual dictionaries. The contrastive analysis of the treatment of collocations ‘Noun + wo + waru’ in twelve dictionaries suggests that the structures and definition of each lemma affect this, as do as the difference in the size and editorial policy of the dictionaries themselves. When the units are to some extent fixed, the collocations are likely to appear in a subentry of the noun. From the standpoint of encoding, however, it would be much more effective to treat these as concrete examples in the verb entry. Supplying annotations after the example works well from both the semantic and phraseological standpoints.}, pages = {79--87}, title = {国語辞書における連語の扱い ―言語発信力の観点から―}, volume = {37}, year = {2016} }