@article{oai:jissen.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000062, author = {髙瀨, 真理子}, journal = {実践女子大学短期大学部紀要, Jissen Women’s Junior College Review}, month = {Mar}, note = {The phrase “Spirits” is used not only as the name of Enchi’s work, but also to mean a work that is typical of Enchi. For this reason, it is necessary to thoroughly decipher the true nature of the “sprits” depicted in this work.Subsequently, we analyze the work and discuss “spirits” from the perspectives of the slope,dressing tables, aging, and creativity. For Enchi, the slope becomes a passageway between the present and her past, and by extension, the classical world, a rich creative world, and a space and time in which she can achieve what cannot be achieved in reality.}, pages = {(1)140--(12)129}, title = {円地文子「妖」 ―娘の巣立った家庭の中で―}, volume = {45}, year = {2024} }