@article{oai:jissen.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000141, author = {辛島, 順子 and 新井, 風香}, journal = {実践女子大学生活科学部紀要, Bulletin of Jissen Women's University Faculty of Human Life Sciences}, month = {Mar}, note = {【目的】地域在住高齢者を対象に実施した摂食・嚥下に関する自覚と摂食・嚥下障害スクリーニング結果から,地域在住高齢者の摂食・嚥下障害における早期発見,早期介入を促進するための方法を提案することである. 【方法】65 歳以上地域在住高齢者を対象とし,基本属性,摂食嚥下の状況,摂食・嚥下障害スクリーニング,主観的健康感,食品摂取の多様性,MNA-SF の質問紙調査を実施した.分析は自身の摂食・嚥下の状況について「自覚あり群」「自覚なし群」の2 群に分類し,実施した. 【結果】分析対象者は45 名であり,「自覚あり群」は15 名(33.3% ),「自覚なし群」は30 名(66.7% ) であった.「自覚あり群」は,摂食・嚥下機能の低下が認められ,咀嚼の困難さや飲み込みにくさ,むせを感じている割合が有意に高かった.また,「自覚あり群」は主観的健康感が有意に低かった. 【結論】高齢者が自らの嚥下の状況に関心を持ち,異常に気づくことが,地域在住高齢者の摂食・嚥下障害における早期発見,早期介入を促進するための第一段階となることが示された.そのためには,医療や保健に従事する専門職が摂食・嚥下に関する教育や啓発を広く行うとともに,病院や調剤薬局,行政機関,介護予防教室等のさまざまな場所で専門職が高齢者に声をかけながら,摂食・嚥下の相談にのることができる機会を増やすことが重要である., 【Objective】To elucidate a method for early detection of and intervention for dysphagia in community-dwelling older adults by promoting awareness through screening. 【Methods】A questionnaire survey on basic characteristics, swallowing status, swallowing screening, subjective health,diversity of food intake, and Mini Nutritional Assessment-Short Form (MNA-SF) was administered to communitydwelling older adults aged ≥65 years. In this analysis, respondents were classified into two groups based on their awareness of their swallowing inclinations: awareness and non-awareness groups. 【Results】The data of 45 participants were analyzed. The awareness group comprised 15 participants (33.3%) and the non-awareness group comprised 30 participants (66.7%). Swallowing function was reduced in the awareness group. In addition, the proportion of individuals who experienced difficulty in swallowing was significantly higher in this group.The awareness group also had significantly lower subjective health scores than the non-awareness group. 【Conclusions】Studies have shown that the proactive involvement of community-dwelling older adults in monitoring their own swallowing ability and recognizing abnormalities constitutes the first step in facilitating early detection and intervention for eating and swallowing disorders. Therefore, it is necessary for medical and healthcare professionals to disseminate education and awareness on eating and swallowing issues. Moreover, professionals should extend their support to older adults across various settings such as hospitals, dispensing pharmacies, government agencies, and preventive care classes. It is important to increase the opportunities for unreserved discussions regarding feeding and swallowing issues.}, pages = {7--12}, title = {地域在住高齢者における摂食・嚥下機能の自己評価}, volume = {61}, year = {2024} }