@article{oai:jissen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002100, author = {髙瀨, 真理子}, journal = {下田歌子研究所年報 女性と文化, Women and Culture - The Annual Bulletin of the Shimoda Utako Institute}, month = {Mar}, note = {Utako has been considered as a woman who is famous in history. However, some admired her, or the others felt envious her lively works in the contemporary.  After she died much mourned in 1936, it was changed militarism political situation. And people treated Utako who is the charismatic leader with godlike reverence. People enshrined Kousetsu-Shrine. It was an ironical result. It was difficult to judge achievement as a pioneer working woman.  After world war II, when the revival of Jissen Women’s educational institution, we had felt hard to talk about our founder for a long time.  Because of these reasons she has not been evaluated properly. I reconsider her works and present her family tree and a chronological record of her career until 1872 as a base, according to the earlier literature “reconsideration of Utako Shimoda ‒ blood relationship and her family tree ‒ (Takase 1997) and her chronological record for the symposium “Utako Shimoda ‒ personal magnetism” of celebrates the centenary of Jissen Women’s University.}, pages = {49--70}, title = {下田歌子再考―評伝作成のために(一)}, volume = {4}, year = {2018} }