@article{oai:jissen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002157, author = {駒谷, 真美}, issue = {6}, journal = {実践女子大学下田歌子記念女性総合研究所年報, The annual bulletin of the Shimoda Utako Research Institute for Women}, month = {Mar}, note = {"The 120th anniversary event, Jissen Women’s Educational Institute Festival (J-fest), was held on May 11 and 12, 2019 at Shibuya Campus, Jissen Women’s University. Five projects were set up: outdoor events, indoor events, concerts, corporate sponsorship promotions, and commemorative goods production. A joint team of students and faculty members from a junior and senior high school, university, and junior college was organized, and they worked collectively from the planning of the event to its implementation. Prior to the J-fest, at the end of the first semester of FY2018, a researcher, who was also a project member, conducted pre-training for 110 applicant university sophomores and junior college freshmen. After the training, 59 students who wished to continue their activities as student volunteer staff became initial members of the J-fest project. The student staff mostly comprised adolescents in the midst of an identity crisis. Therefore, this study revealed how members of student staff changed their consciousness, i.e., spontaneity, volunteerism, accomplishment, and self-esteem through the J-fest volunteer activities. This study was not proposed in the original J-fest project. However, the researcher offered the project organization research plans from time to time. The pre-questionnaire, a competency test, which forms a part of the PROG test, a program for measuring and nurturing general skills and attitudes required by society, was conducted prior to the start of the J-fest activities in order to test the awareness of the student staff, using a mark sheet distribution and collection method in August, 2018. The questionnaire was completed by 68 members of the student staff. A post- questionnaire was conducted on the website of manaba, the university class support system, from May 18 to June 30, 2019 to understand the consciousness of the 43 final members of the student staff at the J-fest. It assessed their motivation, spontaneity, volunteerism, accomplishment, attention, and thoughts during the process of the J-fest activities. There were 28 respondents. In addition to the questionnaire, reflection sheets were distributed and interviews were conducted to supplement the data. The results of the pre-questionnaire revealed that although practical ability is recognized as a tendency of students who wish to participate in the J-fest, their leadership skills to read the field and move the organization are ambivalent. The results of the post-questionnaire and interviews indicated significant progress from their initial characteristics of anxiety and conflict to their post-activity qualities of ingenuity, improvement, achievement, and self-confidence. Although the research design was limited by the J-fest organization, the study suggested that the student staff helped realize the J-fest and played an integral role in the event. They became Fest Makers, much like the Game Makers in the 2012 London Olympic Games."}, pages = {19--33}, title = {実践女子学園120 周年記念フェスティバルに参加した大学生スタッフの意識変化}, year = {2020} }