@article{oai:jissen.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002302, author = {久保, 貴子}, journal = {実践女子大学下田歌子記念女性総合研究所 年報, The Annual Bulletin of the Shimoda Utako Research Institute for Woman}, month = {Mar}, note = {The distinguishing characteristic of this body of work is Shimoda Utako’s emphasis on education for women and the learning of traditional Japanese waka poetry and texts or writings composed entirely of kana characters. This compilation, Textbook of Japanese Writings, constitutes the first step toward clarifying Shimoda’s educational stance and truly offers a glimpse of the expression of her determination.  “Fujiwara no Teika Jihitsu Gyobutsubon,” which is considered the finest text in The Sarashina Diary, is known for its out-of-order pages due to an error in binding during the collation process. Textbook of Japanese Writings contains texts from The Sarashina Diary that were included before anyone pointed out the error, and it presents the contents in their original order, along with revisions and annotations. In the context of existing research, this document is a remarkable pioneering achievement that is worthy of attention, as it focuses on The Sarashina Diary before the text was revised to correct the out-of-order pages due to the binding error. Furthermore, the textbook format further enhances this book’s value.}, pages = {(1)--(70)}, title = {下田歌子の『和文教科書 六之巻 更科日記』 ―解題・翻刻―}, volume = {7}, year = {2021} }